
Eva Lindelöw

Email: evalindelow@gmail.com

Body painting

The workshop starts with a meditation where the participants go inward to examine what thoughts and feelings they have in relation to their body.

Many people like certain parts but have a harder time with other parts. I myself didn’t like my nose when I was little.

When it’s time to start, you can choose whether you want to paint yourself or ask someone else to paint YOUR body. I also help

Then you decide HOW and what / where you want to be painted or ask someone else to paint YOUR body. I also help

Then you decide HOW and what / where you want to be painted. Everything else is left to the person who paints.

I make a protected space so no one but the participants can watch. Mirrors are in place so you can see how it progresses

We last about 2 hours

Creative writing

with a focus this time on erotica/tantra
I love fantasizing about writing stuff like that myself👍


L I N D E L Ö W  Konst och Design
VÄSTORP Ulvagård 3
36593 Furuby 


Day 3, Jun 15

Day 4, Jun 16

Body painting🌶️🌶️

Creative writing


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