Birger Lokesh Jiglund

Birger Lokesh Jiglund

Birger ”Lokesh” Jiglund is a Certified Breathwork Tantrapulsation Therapist, Reiki Master, and Certified Life Coach with extensive experience in healing, energy work, and personal development.

He is the founder and organizer of Nytorp Tantrafestival, a space for deep transformation through breathwork, movement, meditation, dance, and community.

He leads playful tantra workshops for beginners and advanced tantra workshops for experienced practitioners, as well as offers healing sessions in Reiki, chakra healing, spontaneous healing, and trans healing.


Together we will create a very loving and allowing space where your desires and wishes can be fulfilled in a playful way and You can also fulfill other´s crasy beatiful wishes! Nudity is alowed if You dare.

We create a circle where You can express how You want to be touch, and if someone feels a ”Yes I can do that” in ther bodie they offer You to do what You whishes under a limited time.

Quote by Neale Donald Walsch: ”Life begins at the end of our comfort zone”


Day 1, Jun 12

Day 3, Jun 15



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